Sentiment Analyzer for Products

In [1]:
import graphlab
import os

Read data

In [2]:
URL = ''

In [3]:
def get_data(filename='amazon_baby.csv', url=URL, force_download=False):
    """Download and cache the amazon data
    filename: string (optional)
        location to save the data
    url: string (optional)
    force_download: bool (optional)
        if True, force redownload of data
    data: graphlab SFrame. Similer to a pandas DataFrame,
        but with capacity for faster analysis of larger data sets
    if force_download or not os.path.exists(filename):
        urlretrieve(url, filename)
    sf = graphlab.SFrame('amazon_baby.csv')
    return sf

products = get_data()

This non-commercial license of GraphLab Create for academic use is assigned to and will expire on March 20, 2018.
[INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server: GraphLab Create v2.1 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1491876739.log
Finished parsing file /Users/williamgray1/Developer/data-science-python/ML-classification/amazon_baby.csv
Parsing completed. Parsed 100 lines in 1.07344 secs.
Inferred types from first 100 line(s) of file as 
If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct
the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in
the column_type_hints argument
Read 105953 lines. Lines per second: 74616.8
Finished parsing file /Users/williamgray1/Developer/data-science-python/ML-classification/amazon_baby.csv
Parsing completed. Parsed 183531 lines in 1.90082 secs.
name review rating
Planetwise Flannel Wipes These flannel wipes are
OK, but in my opinion ...
Planetwise Wipe Pouch it came early and was not
disappointed. i love ...
Annas Dream Full Quilt
with 2 Shams ...
Very soft and comfortable
and warmer than it ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
This is a product well
worth the purchase. I ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
All of my kids have cried
non-stop when I tried to ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
When the Binky Fairy came
to our house, we didn't ...
A Tale of Baby's Days
with Peter Rabbit ...
Lovely book, it's bound
tightly so you may no ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
Perfect for new parents.
We were able to keep ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
A friend of mine pinned
this product on Pinte ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
This has been an easy way
for my nanny to record ...
[10 rows x 3 columns]

Build word count vector for each review

In [4]:
products['word_count'] = graphlab.text_analytics.count_words(products['review'])

name review rating word_count
Planetwise Flannel Wipes These flannel wipes are
OK, but in my opinion ...
3 {'and': 5, '6': 1,
'stink': 1, 'because' ...
Planetwise Wipe Pouch it came early and was not
disappointed. i love ...
5 {'and': 3, 'love': 1,
'it': 2, 'highly': 1, ...
Annas Dream Full Quilt
with 2 Shams ...
Very soft and comfortable
and warmer than it ...
5 {'and': 2, 'quilt': 1,
'it': 1, 'comfortable': ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
This is a product well
worth the purchase. I ...
5 {'ingenious': 1, 'and':
3, 'love': 2, ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
All of my kids have cried
non-stop when I tried to ...
5 {'and': 2, 'parents!!':
1, 'all': 2, 'puppet.': ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
When the Binky Fairy came
to our house, we didn't ...
5 {'and': 2, 'this': 2,
'her': 1, 'help': 2, ...
A Tale of Baby's Days
with Peter Rabbit ...
Lovely book, it's bound
tightly so you may no ...
4 {'shop': 1, 'noble': 1,
'is': 1, 'it': 1, 'as': ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
Perfect for new parents.
We were able to keep ...
5 {'and': 2, 'all': 1,
'right': 1, 'when': 1, ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
A friend of mine pinned
this product on Pinte ...
5 {'and': 1, 'help': 1,
'give': 1, 'is': 1, ' ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
This has been an easy way
for my nanny to record ...
4 {'journal.': 1, 'nanny':
1, 'standarad': 1, ...
[10 rows x 4 columns]

In [5]:
# Set graphs to appear within the notebook

# Look at products with the most reviews

Take a look at Vulli Sophie, top baby toy according to # of reviews

This is a teether, a toy that babies chew on, in the form of a small giraffe. It's the most gifted baby toy on amazon.

In [6]:
giraffe_reviews = products[products['name']=='Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether']


In [7]:

Build a sentiment classifier

Take a deeper look at where the most positive and negative reviews came from

In [8]:

Add positive or negative sentiment columns based on rating

1 = Positive, 0 = Negative

In [9]:
# I consider 3 star ratings neutral, so they will be removed from the dataset
products = products[products['rating'] != 3]

In [10]:
# if rating is 4 or 5, the review is considered positive (1), else negative (0)
products['sentiment'] = products['rating'] >= 4

name review rating word_count sentiment
Planetwise Wipe Pouch it came early and was not
disappointed. i love ...
5 {'and': 3, 'love': 1,
'it': 2, 'highly': 1, ...
Annas Dream Full Quilt
with 2 Shams ...
Very soft and comfortable
and warmer than it ...
5 {'and': 2, 'quilt': 1,
'it': 1, 'comfortable': ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
This is a product well
worth the purchase. I ...
5 {'ingenious': 1, 'and':
3, 'love': 2, ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
All of my kids have cried
non-stop when I tried to ...
5 {'and': 2, 'parents!!':
1, 'all': 2, 'puppet.': ...
Stop Pacifier Sucking
without tears with ...
When the Binky Fairy came
to our house, we didn't ...
5 {'and': 2, 'this': 2,
'her': 1, 'help': 2, ...
A Tale of Baby's Days
with Peter Rabbit ...
Lovely book, it's bound
tightly so you may no ...
4 {'shop': 1, 'noble': 1,
'is': 1, 'it': 1, 'as': ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
Perfect for new parents.
We were able to keep ...
5 {'and': 2, 'all': 1,
'right': 1, 'when': 1, ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
A friend of mine pinned
this product on Pinte ...
5 {'and': 1, 'help': 1,
'give': 1, 'is': 1, ' ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
This has been an easy way
for my nanny to record ...
4 {'journal.': 1, 'nanny':
1, 'standarad': 1, ...
Baby Tracker® - Daily
Childcare Journal, ...
I love this journal and
our nanny uses it ...
4 {'all': 1, 'forget': 1,
'just': 1, 'food': 1, ...
[10 rows x 5 columns]

Training the sentiment classifier

In [11]:
# randomly split data set into training data and test data
train_data, test_data = products.random_split(.8, seed=0)
print len(train_data)
print len(test_data)


In [12]:
sentiment_model = graphlab.logistic_classifier.create(train_data,

WARNING: The number of feature dimensions in this problem is very large in comparison with the number of examples. Unless an appropriate regularization value is set, this model may not provide accurate predictions for a validation/test set.
Logistic regression:
Number of examples          : 133448
Number of classes           : 2
Number of feature columns   : 1
Number of unpacked features : 219773
Number of coefficients    : 219774
Starting L-BFGS
| Iteration | Passes   | Step size | Elapsed Time | Training-accuracy | Validation-accuracy |
| 1         | 5        | 0.000002  | 3.276144     | 0.841481          | 0.839989            |
| 2         | 9        | 3.000000  | 5.428349     | 0.947500          | 0.894757            |
| 3         | 10       | 3.000000  | 6.253558     | 0.924075          | 0.866292            |
| 4         | 11       | 3.000000  | 7.074453     | 0.971847          | 0.912743            |
| 5         | 12       | 3.000000  | 7.920850     | 0.975526          | 0.908960            |
| 6         | 13       | 3.000000  | 8.742868     | 0.902869          | 0.828489            |
| 7         | 15       | 1.000000  | 10.024325    | 0.984593          | 0.921541            |
| 8         | 16       | 1.000000  | 10.835719    | 0.985163          | 0.921811            |
| 9         | 17       | 1.000000  | 11.646896    | 0.987164          | 0.919920            |
| 10        | 18       | 1.000000  | 12.421310    | 0.988895          | 0.916226            |
TERMINATED: Iteration limit reached.
This model may not be optimal. To improve it, consider increasing `max_iterations`.

Evaluate the sentiment model

In [13]:
# evaluate the model using an roc curve
sentiment_model.evaluate(test_data, metric='roc_curve')

{'roc_curve': Columns:
 	threshold	float
 	fpr	float
 	tpr	float
 	p	int
 	n	int
 Rows: 100001
 | threshold |      fpr       |      tpr       |   p   |  n   |
 |    0.0    |      1.0       |      1.0       | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   1e-05   | 0.907845345345 | 0.998856162425 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   2e-05   | 0.893768768769 | 0.998713182728 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   3e-05   | 0.883821321321 | 0.99839147841  | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   4e-05   | 0.877627627628 | 0.998319988562 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   5e-05   | 0.874436936937 | 0.998141263941 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   6e-05   | 0.870307807808 | 0.998034029168 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   7e-05   | 0.866366366366 | 0.997998284244 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   8e-05   | 0.862424924925 | 0.997998284244 | 27976 | 5328 |
 |   9e-05   | 0.858858858859 | 0.997998284244 | 27976 | 5328 |
 [100001 rows x 5 columns]
 Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
 You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.}

In [14]:'Evaluation')

In [15]:
giraffe_reviews['predicted_sentiment'] = sentiment_model.predict(giraffe_reviews, output_type='probability')

name review rating word_count predicted_sentiment
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
He likes chewing on all
the parts especially the ...
5 {'and': 1, 'all': 1,
'because': 1, 'it': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
My son loves this toy and
fits great in the diaper ...
5 {'and': 1, 'right': 1,
'help': 1, 'just': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
There really should be a
large warning on the ...
1 {'and': 2, 'all': 1,
'would': 1, 'latex.': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
All the moms in my moms'
group got Sophie for ...
5 {'and': 2, 'one!': 1,
'all': 1, 'love': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I was a little skeptical
on whether Sophie was ...
5 {'and': 3, 'all': 1,
'months': 1, 'old': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I have been reading about
Sophie and was going ...
5 {'and': 6, 'seven': 1,
'already': 1, 'love': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
My neice loves her sophie
and has spent hours ...
5 {'and': 4, 'drooling,':
1, 'love': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
What a friendly face!
And those mesmerizing ...
5 {'and': 3, 'chew': 1,
'be': 1, 'is': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
We got this just for my
son to chew on instea ...
5 {'chew': 2, 'seemed': 1,
'because': 1, 'about.': ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
My baby seems to like
this toy, but I could ...
3 {'and': 2, 'already': 1,
'some': 1, 'it': 3, ...
[10 rows x 5 columns]

Sort the reviews based on predicted sentiment and explore

In [16]:
giraffe_reviews = giraffe_reviews.sort('predicted_sentiment', ascending=False)

name review rating word_count predicted_sentiment
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Sophie, oh Sophie, your
time has come. My ...
5 {'giggles': 1, 'all': 1,
"violet's": 2, 'bring': ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I'm not sure why Sophie
is such a hit with the ...
4 {'adoring': 1, 'find': 1,
'month': 1, 'bright': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I'll be honest...I bought
this toy because all the ...
4 {'all': 2, 'discovered':
1, 'existence.': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
We got this little
giraffe as a gift from a ...
5 {'all': 2, "don't": 1,
'(literally).so': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
As a mother of 16month
old twins; I bought ...
5 {'cute': 1, 'all': 1,
'reviews.': 2, 'just' ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Sophie the Giraffe is the
perfect teething toy. ...
5 {'just': 2, 'both': 1,
'month': 1, 'ears,': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Sophie la giraffe is
absolutely the best toy ...
5 {'and': 5, 'the': 1,
'all': 1, 'that': 2, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
My 5-mos old son took to
this immediately. The ...
5 {'just': 1, 'shape': 2,
'mutt': 1, '"dog': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
My nephews and my four
kids all had Sophie in ...
5 {'and': 4, 'chew': 1,
'all': 1, 'perfect;': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Never thought I'd see my
son French kissing a ...
5 {'giggles': 1, 'all': 1,
'out,': 1, 'over': 1, ...
[10 rows x 5 columns]

In [17]:
# review with highest predicted sentiment

"Sophie, oh Sophie, your time has come. My granddaughter, Violet is 5 months old and starting to teeth. What joy little Sophie brings to Violet. Sophie is made of a very pliable rubber that is sturdy but not tough. It is quite easy for Violet to twist Sophie into unheard of positions to get Sophie into her mouth. The little nose and hooves fit perfectly into small mouths, and the drooling has purpose. The paint on Sophie is food quality.Sophie was born in 1961 in France. The maker had wondered why there was nothing available for babies and made Sophie from the finest rubber, phthalate-free on St Sophie's Day, thus the name was born. Since that time millions of Sophie's populate the world. She is soft and for babies little hands easy to grasp. Violet especially loves the bumpy head and horns of Sophie. Sophie has a long neck that easy to grasp and twist. She has lovely, sizable spots that attract Violet's attention. Sophie has happy little squeaks that bring squeals of delight from Violet. She is able to make Sophie squeak and that brings much joy. Sophie's smooth skin is soothing to Violet's little gums. Sophie is 7 inches tall and is the exact correct size for babies to hold and love.As you well know the first thing babies grasp, goes into their mouths- how wonderful to have a toy that stimulates all of the senses and helps with the issue of teething. Sophie is small enough to fit into any size pocket or bag. Sophie is the perfect find for babies from a few months to a year old. How wonderful to hear the giggles and laughs that emanate from babies who find Sophie irresistible. Viva La Sophie!Highly Recommended.  prisrob 12-11-09"

In [18]:

"I'm not sure why Sophie is such a hit with the little ones, but my 7 month old baby girl is one of her adoring fans.  The rubber is softer and more pleasant to handle, and my daughter has enjoyed chewing on her legs and the nubs on her head even before she started teething.  She also loves the squeak that Sophie makes when you squeeze her.  Not sure what it is but if Sophie is amongst a pile of her other toys, my daughter will more often than not reach for Sophie.  And I have the peace of mind of knowing that only edible and safe paints and materials have been used to make Sophie, as opposed to Bright Starts and other baby toys made in China.  Now that the research is out on phthalates and other toxic substances in baby toys, I think it's more important than ever to find good quality toys that are also safe for our babies to handle and put in their mouths.  Sophie is a must-have for every new mom in my opinion.  Even if your kid is one of the few that can take or leave her, it's worth a try.  Vulli, the makers of Sophie, also make natural rubber teething rings that my daughter loves as well."

In [19]:
# review with lowest predicted sentiment

"My son (now 2.5) LOVED his Sophie, and I bought one for every baby shower I've gone to. Now, my daughter (6 months) just today nearly choked on it and I will never give it to her again. Had I not been within hearing range it could have been fatal. The strange sound she was making caught my attention and when I went to her and found the front curved leg shoved well down her throat and her face a purply/blue I panicked. I pulled it out and she vomited all over the carpet before screaming her head off. I can't believe how my opinion of this toy has changed from a must-have to a must-not-use. Please don't disregard any of the choking hazard comments, they are not over exaggerated!"

Reviews with high ratings but low predicted sentiment

In [20]:
giraffe_reviews[(giraffe_reviews['rating']>=4) & (giraffe_reviews['predicted_sentiment'] < 0.5)]

name review rating word_count predicted_sentiment
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I tried to offer this to
my son several times ...
4 {'and': 2, 'old': 2,
'suddenly': 1, 'win': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
it's good,but not
suitable for everyoneCmy ...
4 {'a': 1, "doesn't": 1,
'it,': 1, 'it.': 1, ...
[? rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.

In [21]:
giraffe_reviews[(giraffe_reviews['rating']>=4) & (giraffe_reviews['predicted_sentiment'] < 0.5)][0]['review']

"I tried to offer this to my son several times when he was a few months old and he was very disinterested. Eventually when he was about 5 months old he suddenly became interested. He likes it but it's not his favorite by any means. These teething rings from Vulli win hands down over sophie- and they are ADORABLE"

Reviews with low ratings but high predicted sentiments

In [22]:
giraffe_reviews[(giraffe_reviews['rating']<=2) & (giraffe_reviews['predicted_sentiment'] > 0.5)]

name review rating word_count predicted_sentiment
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I got one of these as a
showe gift that my baby ...
1 {'all': 2, "don't": 2,
'better.': 1, 'one.': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Do NOT leave your baby
unsupervised with this ...
1 {'just': 1, 'month': 1,
"won't": 3, 'still': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
this is a super cute toy
that my baby really ...
1 {'and': 4, 'cute': 1,
'breaking': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I seriously don't know
what all the fuss is ...
2 {'chew': 2, 'all': 1,
'because': 1, 'somewh ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
This is a fake Sophie. I
will not buy it from ...
1 {'and': 1, 'raised': 1,
'on': 1, 'being': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I don't understand what
all the rave about this ...
2 {'and': 3, 'all': 1,
"don't": 1, 'of': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Our daughter received
this cute little toy ...
1 {'and': 2, 'the': 3,
'cute': 1, 'upset': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
Going by the Amazon
reviews, there was too ...
2 {'and': 1, 'reviews,': 1,
'there': 1, 'old': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
WoW. That is my one word
summary. Originally I ...
1 {'cute': 1, 'just': 1,
'-': 2, 'over': 1, ...
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe
Teether ...
I think this toy is so
cute and I have tried so ...
2 {'price,': 1, 'cute': 1,
"she'll": 1, 'shot': 1, ...
[? rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.

In [23]:
giraffe_reviews[(giraffe_reviews['rating']<=2) & (giraffe_reviews['predicted_sentiment'] > 0.5)][0]['review']

"I got one of these as a showe gift that my baby loves. I wanted to buy another and saw it on Amazon for $19. What a deal considering these are normally $25. So I ordered and am not sure if it's the same and if the one from Amazon is authentic.I realize these are hand painted so there will be variation. But the rubber on the new one smells different and feels slightly harder than my original one. There are also some rough spots on the Amazon one whereas there were no rough spots on my original one at all as you could plainly tell it was very high quality. The sqeaker is not the same in the two versions. When you press on it to feel it, the shape of the squeaker is different shape, size, and sound. My original one squeaks better. The one from Amazon doesn't squeak well, and is higher pitched. The serial number font size on the two are different. The original one had a larger font size and the Amazon has a smaller font size. The most notable difference is the feet/hooves. The original one is thicker rubber and pretty even in thickness all the way around. The Amazon one is thin, very thin at some parts (you can see the think, wavy, crepiness) like the baby can chew through it and the hooves are not the same shape as the one I already have.I don't know. I bought this from  Amazon, but it is fulfilled by an outside vendor and I don't know their reputation. Since this is something that can easily be counterfeited, I am going to return this and buy it at full price form a store I trust, like Nordstrom. It is worth the hassle for me because this is an item that my baby constantly has in her mouth and is sucking/chewing on.Also, mine came in horrible packagin and the box is totally mangled and destroyed and some of the paint on the toy is rubbed off. Not your typical Amazon quality if you ask me."

In [ ]: